Feeling Low…
Last week started off pretty well as I finally picked up my running practice again after a full year of absence from the track. Ran 2 times, about 3k each, happy that I wasn’t too out of shape as I thought. Also spent a couple of days cleaning up the studio, still need to test […]
Weekly Update…
Skipped a week of updates because I was too tired last Sunday after joining the city’s rally against the extradition to mainland rule. The rally had the largest number of protesters since the Umbrella Movement, there was a sense of hope I felt afterwards. But will our stubborn Government listen to their people? There are […]
Year of The Pig
Got really bored binge watching “How I Met Your Mother” at home for the first 2 days of CNY holidays, I decided to go back to the studio to finish cleaning it up (while continuing the binge watching). Finished cleaning up my desktop and the art area to ready myself for a new year of […]
Recovered (~90%)
Joined the UW alumni to play some badminton again yesterday. Only 8 players showed up, and with 2 courts booked, there was barely resting time during the 2 hours. Tired, but I felt much better than last week, a good sign of recovery. Can’t say that I’m 100% healed from the bad flu however, the […]
Recovered (~80%)
My legs were shaking when I was playing badminton yesterday, don’t remember feeling this way ever before. I’m recovering from a bad flu, was hoping that a little exercise would help the healing. I’m actually feeling much better this past week. Seeing my slow progress in recovering, I bought some over-the-counter flu pills in the […]
The CUHK Handicraft Fair
It has been 2 years since I participated in a craft fair. This one on past Sat. seemed less exhausting, perhaps due to it being only one day and with shorter opening hours. The exhaustion actually came from the preparation work which included designing and launching a website, designing and printing 120 different postcards, and […]
#inktober… DONE!!
The feeling of finishing my last cartoon panel for the #inktober fest is comparable to finishing a marathon! It was no easy task to follow the random word prompt each day and come up with a cartoon panel that would fit coherently into a story. It was challenging yet fun. I took the opportunity to […]
Back to HK
Arrived home yesterday afternoon on a rainy day. Tired from the long haul flight, I napped immediately after showering. Mom woke me up for an early dinner, I was still tired and having a little headache, didn’t have the appetite to eat much. Slept early at around 9pm. Woke up at around 4am this morning […]
Weekly Update
This week flew by rather quickly, here are some highlights… The weekly Monday afternoon volunteering with the elderly was canceled, I decided to go watch a movie (I Can Only Imagine) which turned out to be one of the most inspiring movies I’ve seen for quite some time! Had coffee roasting class in the evening. […]
New (Co-op) Term
With April past, my second 4-month co-op term of 2018 has just begun. Some of the highlights of the past co-op term includes: completing my first ever marathon completing my ~150 brush-and-ink portraitures of critically endangered species finishing my 2-year term as fellowship committee cleaning up my studio and readying myself to get creative and […]