Transitioning Back To Work
Originally planned to return to the studio on Tue, but found out on Mon that the day was a public holiday. My official return-to-work day was thus postponed to Wed. Felt a bit anxious like a kid going back to school to start a new school year, I didn’t sleep too well and woke up […]
Work From Home (cont’d)
Continued my second week of working from home. Never stepped outside the apartment from Monday to Friday (likely my personal record). The only person I saw was my sister next door delivering me a couple cans of egg rolls. After updating this personal website the week before, I kept on doing more web work and […]
Work From Home
Started working from home last week as the 5th pandemic wave was rather severe with daily COVID cases in the low 4 digits. Got back into doing some website work. Finished backing up and updating the design of this personal website and was more than halfway done for one of my studio websites. Working in […]
Teaching Chinese Calligraphy
Had the opportunity to teach for the first time a beginner’s Chinese calligraphy class at a secondary school on Wednesday. I was very anxious yet excited. The students seemed a bit too energetic to handle at times but the teacher said they were actually better behaved than during regular class. Finally met the teacher who […]
T8 Lion Rock
The city hoisted its first Typhoon 8 signal in 2021 this morning. I had been waiting all day for it to be lifted so I can go back to the studio to finish up some work I left unfinished last night. To my disappointment, Typhoon Lion Rock was unexpectedly strong and T8 was hoisted the […]
Hello Q4
The pace of time can seem very different at times. When you are with people you like, time seems to zip right by. But when you are practicing for a marathon, the clock seems to slow down and the agony seems to last forever. I may have missed to say goodbye to Q3 if not […]
Joyful Meetups
After a wonderful dinner with my good friend’s dad and a late uncle’s son on Monday, I met up with a few good old friends for afternoon tea today. I insisted on getting a beer and have our joyful meetup last a bit longer. Not much happened with work this past week as I took […]
What To Do? (2)
Early past week an organization called Wall-Fare (石牆花), which was established 9 months ago to help the pro-democracy detainees/prisoners, officially disbanded under political pressure. I was down for a couple of days. Under the imposed national security law, many pro-democracy members were detained/imprisoned for months (even year) without given public trial. With the disbandment of […]
What To Do?
Work seems to be picking up after my (half) Sabbatical and studio cleanup, made a new batch of business cards before meeting up a couple of potential collaborators in the past week. In our conversations, I did not hide my plans of possibly moving the business to Canada in the near future as I had […]
Sabbatical Ended
The opening of the embattled and postponed Tokyo 2020 Olympics also marked the end of my self-conducted (half) Sabbatical. Thought about continuing the rather fruitful Sabbatical till the end of year, but it felt like the right time now to finally get myself out of this marathon pandemic rut and get serious with my life. […]