Website Update
Started working from home this week due to the worsening 5th pandemic wave. I’m not too worried about infection because I just had my booster jab a few weeks ago, shouldn’t be life-threatening even if I unfortunately become infected. Nonetheless, it’s probably still better to stay home to lower my chance of needing to line […]
Work From Home
Worked from home the entire week, only went back to the studio on Sat. to do some prototyping. Caught up with my Inktober52 cartoons, annual daily devotions is now less than 1 week behind instead of 3, and made considerable progress on the deTour collaboration project. Could honestly say that I did the best I […]
Work From Home (again)
Was still on the fence early in the week as to whether to move back with my parents amid the increasing severity of the pandemic in my new home’s neighborhood. Decision was made for me on Wednesday as a confirmed COVID-19 case was reported in my building and my family unequivocally wanted me to move […]