Tired Week

My sister’s family is visiting town, but I felt like I had seen enough of them already in Toronto last summer. My sister in HK and my mom had dinner with them separately, I declined the invitations and kept myself busy with work. Finished re-engineering my studio’s mascot, DEXTER, to use a more flexible frame […]

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Hot, Busy, and Active Week

The hot weather warning seemed to be hoisted day and night nonstop for the entire week this past week. Read a news snippet about a pro-democracy member who’s still under detention (no air-con) and felt too drained to even pick up a pen to write letters. I empathize with the many ppl who are persecuted […]

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Hot Week

It was a hot and muggy week. My biggest accomplishment at work was reviving my studio’s old Etsy shop to make available some hand-drawn artworks for online order. Not really expecting to make many sales, but happy that I was able to check off a Q2 task and wrap up one of my biggest projects […]

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44th Birthday

Took a day off on Mon to give myself the gift of time to do whatever I want for my 44th bday. I finally took the time to organize and display my growing series of critically endangered animal caricature paintings in my private living-room gallery. I’m not particularly fond of celebrating bdays, but I’m courteous […]

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Back On Track

After a bit of struggling with my own will power, and when I was just about to leave home for my second weekly running practice yesterday evening, my Fitbit watch couldn’t be turned on. I didn’t want to run my planned 10K practice without the watch to track my time and heart rate, so I […]

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Catching Up

Made the extra effort to catch up with my 1000 calligraphy characters goal for Q2. Completed the 100 weekly characters target plus an extra 16 to make up for the 12 I lack last week. Had quite a few meetups this past week including dinner with family on Mon, calligraphy class on Tue, lunch and […]

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After making good progress last week on my Q2 goals, this week was met with many hiccups. Even with many morning efforts, my weekly calligraphy goals was still 12 short of my weekly 100 characters goal. Studio work was met with some unknown 3DP hiccups which I’ll need to troubleshoot this coming week. Running practice […]

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Q2 Transitioning

Started executing my ambitious Q2 plan after the Easter holidays. Managed to keep up my weekly calligraphy goals while adding a new 5-class seal carving course. Picked up my order of handcrafted paper yesterday, will try to setup an online store to offer my calligraphy works in coming weeks. The calligraphy work, which I still […]

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I finally tested positive for COVID today since the pandemic broke out in late 2019. Symptoms are mild – occasional coughs and chills. The symptoms actually started emerging after I did my evening run last Wed. Didn’t sleep very well that night and felt especially sore the next morning. I thought it was just caused […]

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Website Updates

Have been working hard from home during this LNY holidays. Except for an evening run on Tue., calligraphy class on Thur. and a fellowship gathering on Sat. evening, I stayed home to work on some websites. I first had to cleanup and organize the MBP I bought during my summer vacation in Canada. When that’s […]

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  • SEP
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  • 723 Studio