Winter Solstice, Christmas,…
The holiday season started with the Winter Solstice on Monday. It’s a traditional Chinese celebration when most people would make their best effort to go home for a warm family dinner. With the pandemic still serious, my family of 10 (in HK) did not celebrate together for the first time in the past 11 years […]
Wedding, 4th Wave, Persecution
Helped out at my good old family’s friend wedding on Thursday. It was a small cozy and yet extravagant wedding by the sea. Happy to be a witness of my friend’s memorable milestone while seeing his family and catching up with an old primary school classmate. The 4th wave of the pandemic is hitting our […]
Website Refreshed
Haven’t posted any updates for a couple of weeks because I got stuck while refreshing this website. It’s been too long since I last did any web programming, so backing up, refreshing, debugging, and relaunching this personal blog took a lot longer than I planned. With my little online space cleaned and renewed, I’ll likely […]
The past week was filled with ups and downs. Started the community marathon training on Tue, first taste of real exercise since my last run back in Jan/Feb, exhausted but felt good. (Up) Met and caught up with a couple of friends on Mon and Thu separately. I’ve been proactively meeting up friends in the […]
Catching Up
The many months of social distancing has me nurturing a new habit of staying home on Sundays to rest and catch up on RTHK videos, FB news, daily devotions, etc. As the pandemic continue to ease with daily infections staying low in the single digit, I’m also beginning to play catch-up socially. Seized the Mid-Autumn […]
Back to (Passive) Social…
The past week had been an unusually social one since the third wave of the pandemic hit us in early July – had dinner with a few fellowship brothers on Tue, a friend’s brief studio visit and mom’s and sister’s bday dinner on Thu, and met a friend’s friend on Sat to introduce her to […]
Back to Social?
As soon as the government relaxed the social distancing measures to allow as many as 4 ppl to meet, the city seems to have livened up almost immediately. I had dim sum lunch with my parents for the first time since the 3rd pandemic broke out in July. Also took the opportunity to farewell a […]
Work from Home (part 2)
Worked from home for another week (mostly). Almost finished and ready to submit the deTour proposal. Really hope that this collaboration work will be accepted and can see the light of day. With the deTour proposal out of the way and the pandemic slightly easing off (down to double digit confirmed cases for last 7 […]
3rd Wave
Just when I was about to restart life from the second half of 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic suddenly got worse and a bit out of control, this came after 21 days of zero local infected cases! What happened?! After attending church last week for the first time since CNY, Sunday worship returned to online this […]
Let’s Start Over
Finally returned church for worship today after many months of attending it online from home in my pajamas. Many b&s stopped by to say hello. Some wanted to initiate conversations, but I feel a little uncomfortable and shy like a newcomer. I also returned to fellowship for the first time on Friday since CNY. The […]