Full-size DEXTER v2.0
Major accomplishment this past week was completing the full-size DEXTER v2.0 at the studio. He is measuring at 57cm in height. The biggest part took over 13 hours to print, and it took a couple of nights of overnight printing (and reprinting) to complete all the parts! Should also note that I was sick at […]
DEXTER 2.0 Sculpture
One of my greatest accomplishments this past week was finishing the design and printing of DEXTER 2.0 up to scale 5x. Had been running the 3D printers night and day, both at home and at studio, for a couple of weeks. There was a moment of satisfaction that I hadn’t experienced for a long time […]
Bye-bye Q2
After writing out the last character from the book of 1000 Chinese character samples on Mon., a huge relief was immediately felt. The rest of the week was taken relatively lightly as I soak in my greatest achievement of the Q2 projects! Most other Q2 projects will carry on to Q3 untouched 😅. Before getting […]
44th Birthday
Took a day off on Mon to give myself the gift of time to do whatever I want for my 44th bday. I finally took the time to organize and display my growing series of critically endangered animal caricature paintings in my private living-room gallery. I’m not particularly fond of celebrating bdays, but I’m courteous […]