
Not too sure why I kept all the purchase receipts of 2012.  The sheer volume testifies the consumerist nature in our society.  I wonder how many of those receipts are from purchases of things I NEED rather than things I WANT. If I’m ever going to make resolutions this year, one of the items should […]

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Waste Recycling

Was waiting for my brother-in-law in the car when I saw a truck in front picking up cubes of compacted cardboard/paper, probably going to be shipped to China for recycling ultimately.  Sometimes I fancy about starting a small company that helps transform goods no longer needed/wanted into desirable and useful products.

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<< How Buildings Learn >>

Learned from the book that many architectures were demolished prematurely due to fluctuating market value, over-specification and lack of flexibility in design.  Architectures can no way be designed perfectly, they should be designed rather for longevity by allowing inhabitants to easily adjust, adapt, re-adjust, re-adapt, and slowly evolve as a living museum.  If longevity is […]

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Cradle to Cradle

Love books that inspire me to think and re-think… Not sure of the exact reason(s), but I became a bit of an environmentalist in recent years. Ever since I watched “The Story of Stuff“, I have this little guilty feeling whenever I buy or throw away stuff. Slowly, I also became a bit of an […]

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Greening My Studio III

Spent much of my last week designing and assembling a miniature stone garden for my studio’s window shelf.  Due to my lack of care, a lot of the bonsai plants given during class already looks like they’re dying with much of their leaves lost.  Hopefully, with more tender care, they’ll be revived and bud out […]

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Much of my time this week was spent on setting up my L.A.M.P server.  I couldn’t think of any better way to reuse the many old and abandoned desktops lying around at home. With a platform to do some elaborate testing, I’m one step closer to starting my website design business again…

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Best Man

One inevitably feels honored when being asked to be the Best Man for his friend’s wedding, but I was a bit reluctant at first because I don’t really like attracting attention and have a natural tendency to shy away from the spotlight.  But after everything about the wedding is completed tonight, I’m glad that I […]

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Corrugated Cardboard

I’ve spent much of the last few days cutting up cardboard!  My mom must have thought that I was going insane or something. =) With a little spare time after the busy January, I decided to transform all the corrugated cardboard I’ve saved up from my lair’s furnishings into something useful, things like document holders […]

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CD Lava Lamp

While I was packing, I found an old lava lamp, some robotics stuff for my undergrad design project, and a bunch of useless CDs.  I spent my Friday afternoon transforming all that into somewhat of a sculpture. There are 2 more projects I wish to complete before I leave Toronto – One is to transform […]

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I’m guilty of chopping down trees for mindlessly printing paper for reading.  It’s just too tiring to read long papers on the screen! To ease my guilt, I usually save up the printed pages and use the backside as scrap paper for doodling or draft work.  In order to use up the piles of unused […]

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  • MAR
    S M T W T F S
  • 723 Studio