3rd Wave
Just when I was about to restart life from the second half of 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic suddenly got worse and a bit out of control, this came after 21 days of zero local infected cases! What happened?! After attending church last week for the first time since CNY, Sunday worship returned to online this […]
Let’s Start Over
Finally returned church for worship today after many months of attending it online from home in my pajamas. Many b&s stopped by to say hello. Some wanted to initiate conversations, but I feel a little uncomfortable and shy like a newcomer. I also returned to fellowship for the first time on Friday since CNY. The […]
Canada Day 2020
On July 1st, I prefer to celebrate Canada Day over the Handover Day of Hong Kong back to China, which is not something worth celebrating in many Hongkongers’ point-of-view. I was born in HK and have spent much of my life here. I have also lived in Canada for about 15 years. I’ve moved back […]
An Accomplished Week
Towards the end of the first half of 2020, I rushed into finishing some of the things I planned to do before starting life anew in July. Here are some of my accomplishments this past week: Tue – Submitted my proposal for a commercial tenancy at JCCAC Wed – Disassembled a long-standing bridge model at […]
Met and caught up with my UW friends last night, this is officially my first social meetup since the pandemic broke out in Jan.! Haven’t really been socializing for so long, I felt especially happy seeing and chatting with everyone. Thanks to COVID-19, I now realize how important it is to have friends to share […]
Contingency Plan
The political and economic situation in the city continue to spiral down since the National Security Law for HK was proposed last week and unilaterally passed this week. I started asking my friends to hear their thoughts. A couple plans to hasten their plan to emigrate to Taiwan, another friend asked about renewing their colonial […]
HK is Dying
Beijing announced on Thursday the National Security Law for HK. The stock market plummeted on Friday (greatest single-day drop in past 5 years) and everyone on the street was talking about it. The sacrifice of HK’s economy was likely already accounted for before PRC proposed the Law that clearly violates our city’s “One Country, Two […]
Mother’s Day
In lieu of Mother’s Day, my family of 10 finally resumed our Sunday lunch ritual, despite needing to separate into 2 tables due to recently enforced social distancing laws. The restaurant was packed as expected, it’s good to see businesses flourishing once again. After lunch, I went to my new place with my parents and […]
100 Days
With 14 days of no COVID-19 confirmed cases locally, and over 100 days of social distancing and masking measures, our city seems to have fended off the pandemic relatively successfully. We’re now seemingly entering a new stage of transitioning back to normal life. But is that even possible? The pandemic has killed lives and closed […]
Art for Earth
Took a week-long creative detour to participate in WWF’s Art for Earth campaign. It was the week of Earth Day 50th Anniversary, the campaign encourages artists to create and share a piece of art daily based on each day’s prompt. I took the opportunity to continue my weekly cartooning Inktober52 story. It’s a lot more […]