Readying for Q4
Continued with the studio cleanup this past week. Experimented with a new way to use up the accumulated popsicle sticks scraps to make boxes and a few more pallet models. After weeks of sporadic cleanup sessions, the studio should now be more or less ready for new projects in the last quarter of a not […]
Back to (Passive) Social…
The past week had been an unusually social one since the third wave of the pandemic hit us in early July – had dinner with a few fellowship brothers on Tue, a friend’s brief studio visit and mom’s and sister’s bday dinner on Thu, and met a friend’s friend on Sat to introduce her to […]
Back to Social?
As soon as the government relaxed the social distancing measures to allow as many as 4 ppl to meet, the city seems to have livened up almost immediately. I had dim sum lunch with my parents for the first time since the 3rd pandemic broke out in July. Also took the opportunity to farewell a […]
Back To School
Resumed my weekly calligraphy class after stopping a couple of months due to the pandemic. We went to have lunch with our 93 y/o ex-classmate after class, the six of us had to split into 3 tables due to the still effective social-distancing measures. Happy to see my elderly classmate and teacher both healthy and […]
Interesting Turn of Events
Early this past week a few pro-democracy leaders were arrested for suspecting rioting on July 21st last year. One of them actually broadcasted live during the event and was beaten by gangs of white shirts in front of the camera, many Hongkongers watched the livestream and had trouble sleeping. I remember vividly of watching the […]
1/2 Work From Home (Week 2)
Continued my alternate days of working from home this week. Continued indulging in ink art while at home. One of the books on ink art I borrowed from the library earlier turned out to be really good and got me interested in pen and ink art again. Work wise, I got excited when contacted for […]
Work from Home (part 2)
Worked from home for another week (mostly). Almost finished and ready to submit the deTour proposal. Really hope that this collaboration work will be accepted and can see the light of day. With the deTour proposal out of the way and the pandemic slightly easing off (down to double digit confirmed cases for last 7 […]
Work From Home
Worked from home the entire week, only went back to the studio on Sat. to do some prototyping. Caught up with my Inktober52 cartoons, annual daily devotions is now less than 1 week behind instead of 3, and made considerable progress on the deTour collaboration project. Could honestly say that I did the best I […]
Work From Home (again)
Was still on the fence early in the week as to whether to move back with my parents amid the increasing severity of the pandemic in my new home’s neighborhood. Decision was made for me on Wednesday as a confirmed COVID-19 case was reported in my building and my family unequivocally wanted me to move […]
3rd Wave Hitting Hard
Our city is finally feeling the blow of the COVID-19 pandemic with this 3rd wave spreading like wildfire in the community. The daily number of people infected constantly rises to a record high of slightly over a hundred today. Our stupid government decided to restrict restaurants to serve takeouts only from 6pm-5am as though the […]