(Starving) Artist, seriously?
It was back in April when I attended my first ever Maker Faire in HK. I took the opportunity to explore the late Zaha Hadid designed building, slowly strolling and ascending the floors before stumbling upon a workshop for DIY bookbinding. One of the instructors gave out postcards she designed, and it just so happened […]
R.I.P. Liu Xiaobo
The recent media is flooded with news of 2o10 Nobel Peace Prize recipient Liu Xiaobo. I have been following the media and caught glimpses of the deceased Liu Xiaobo’s photos, couldn’t help but remember my uncle who also died of liver cancer just a few months ago. My uncle is also around the same age as […]
Creative Monday
Spent the evening on this Creative Monday relearning how to do portraiture, but instead of using conté, I tried using brush pens and without initial pencil drafts. Skimmed through the old life-drawing textbook and tried drawing the many facial features on it. I was able to sketch them out much quicker, more precise, and the result looked even more life like! […]
Goodbye First .5 of 2017
Another quarter’s gone and the first half of 2017 passed. What have I done with the time that God had entrusted me with? For the last couple of months, I had finally met up with all the friends I promised to meet and catch-up with during CNY. I planned to meet them earlier, but my […]
Readings and Recent Updates
Finished reading a couple of good books (Where’s God When It Hurts, Man’s Search for Meaning). I’ve always avoided reading books on war, death, and suffering, and I would probably never have picked up and read those books if not for my uncle’s recent passing away. My uncle’s passing away seems to be transforming me still, […]
Easter Monday
Through a flyer I came across after strolling around a christian bookstore, I discovered and signed up for an art jamming session on this Creative Monday. I’ve been wanting to try out art jamming and learn to paint with acrylics for many years, but passed many opportunities due to timing and cost. Today’s art jamming session […]
Uncle’s Funeral
Was at my uncle’s funeral last night and this morning, it was my first time in a buddhist themed funeral and also my first time helping out in one. Helping out as a receptionist, I asked those who came to the funeral to sign their names and in return I handed them a “吉儀” – an […]
Mourning… (end)
It was about this time last week when my uncle passed away. I’ve since started a week long mourning by avoiding any kind of social gatherings including Sunday worship, calligraphy class, and fellowship. The avoidance came natural as I have the habit of hiding myself when I’m down. I’ve also tried out an unorthodox therapy […]
R.I.P. Uncle
Since visiting my uncle at the hospital and seeing his worsening condition more than a week ago, I have been researching about how to help my uncle review his life to make him know that he has lived a meaningful life. I was almost ready to start mocking up a list of questions to ask […]
New Year’s Resolutions
It’s mid-Feb and I’ve finally found the time to do a little tidying up of my studio’s desktop and then spend some quiet time planning for the new year ahead. Made some new year’s resolutions (wishes), some work related while the rest are more personal. Most of the resolutions are things I’ve been wanting to do for […]