Had been keeping myself busy for the last few days clearing up some freelance work, I think about 75% of the work had been done. Should be able to transition into a full-time deesigner next week. Weather has been getting quite hot lately, it’s starting to become almost unbearable to work in my west-facing home […]
Helped a friend fix a website bug before heading out for lunch today. Went for a little stroll in Mong Kok afterwards and bought a batch of cherry shrimps. I had been trying to breed the tiny shrimps for months without success – I can see miniscule transparent baby shrimps, but they can’t seem to […]
It’s becoming one of my most look-forward-to weekend events now – tending my studio’s aquarium! Spent an entire afternoon today and did a thorough cleaning of the aquarium, removed the algae that carpeted much of the stone wall and sediments, hopefully it won’t come back again. Don’t know why there’s so much nutrients in the […]
Living Things @Home
Took an inventory of the flora and fauna I have acquired since returning to HK. There are 30+ pots of plants (mainly succulents and cacti) and an aquarium with 6 corydoras, 7 neon tetras, 10+ cherry shrimps, 6+ assassin snails, and lots of aquatic vegetation. I can honestly claim that I’m making good use of […]
Cleaning Up
Busy cleaning up my place recently. About 75% done for my studio, and there’s also the bedroom and bathroom that I’ve yet to start. Got to get everything done before leaving for Toronto on the 29th. The way I’m rushing through everything and trying to properly leave behind the things for my family to take […]
Mother’s Day
Last year for Mother’s Day, we bought flowers for my mother and resulted in her whining about how the flowers would wilt in a week and we were wasting money, even though there was an obvious smile on her face. This year, I decided to buy her orchids, something I’ve been wanting to try cultivating […]
Japan’s Earthquake
The air seems particularly hot and stuffy today. Went to church, dim sum with family, watered my plants, tended my aquarium, and killed hours at night sitting in front of the TV – a typical Sunday routine. It must have been years that I have the habit not to do any “work” on Sundays (had […]
A Happy Day
Played basketball, watered my plants, tended my aquarium, read a book – my definition of a happy Saturday. And the day was made pleasurable only while knowing that nothing serious was found on my mother’s MRI report!
Big Cleanup
According to the lunar calendar, today is the day to do cleanups before the Chinese New Year. Spent much of my afternoon pruning my plants, tending my aquarium, and dusting and sweeping my studio. It’s been awhile since my desk is this organized.