Yet More Plantings

Went to the hospital in the morning to take some blood samples for testing, will be reviewing my recovery progress with the doctor at noon tomorrow. Had dim sum with my parents and my sisters’ families afterwards.  There was not much to do in the afternoon, I decided to go to the flower market for […]

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More Plantings

Continued with my plantings at the studio.  Took me the whole day to replenish the succulents, now my back is hurting a little, but it feels good to finally complete something I’ve been wanting to do for a long time! =)

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Christmas Trees

Finally took the time to take care of my little rock garden at home… Bought 3 “Christmas trees” this year, 2 to replace a couple that were dead.  It’s been more than 5 years since I returned to HK…

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(Dirty) Rose


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(Not so relaxing) Sunday

For many years, I’ve been dedicating my Sundays to rest and to spend time with my family. I did pretty much the same things today – breakfast with sister and brother-in-law before church, followed by dim sum with the rest of my family after the service. After getting home from dim sum, I would usually […]

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Mai Po Night Tour

Joined the night tour at Mai Po this evening.  It was a good trip away from the city, the last time I saw such a gorgeous sunset was in Hawaii last summer.  I know, I really should get out of this city more often.

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Creative Friday

Deliberately avoided doing the regular work at the studio today.  Instead, I completed the “homework” for my rubber stamping class, watered the plants, and did a little reorganization of the stuff in the studio. Since moving my painting classes from Monday to Saturday, I no longer continued my Creative Mondays.  Kinda miss it, so I’m […]

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  • MAR
    S M T W T F S
  • 723 Studio