If not for my sister’s recommendation, I would probably never go into the theatre myself and watch this 3-hour movie.  Thankful that I listened to her, I was inspired and started thinking about my aspirations again.  Don’t you just love films that compels you to reflect upon your life and question your life’s purpose?! Am […]

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Hail Storm

There was a crazy hail storm last night.  According to the news, it was the 3rd time in the last 20+ years that it hailed in March in HK.  It was so intense that the roof in the nearby mall broke and its interior got totally flooded.  Images of the flooded mall looked quite apocalyptic, […]

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Character Design

Had been wanting to design some cartoon characters for some time now, finally started putting that idea to work today.  I went back to the basics and started relearning how to draw the ideal 8-head tall human figure.  The process of creating a cartoon character is quite intriguing, you can design all sorts of characters […]

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My sister highly recommended me to watch a movie, went to watch it in the afternoon after realizing an exhibition I wanted to go got postponed.  It did not disappoint. The movie is a small locally produced film about teens doing what they love and pursuing their hip-hop dancing dreams.  It was full of energy […]

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Had lots of plan in my head before the start of this weekend – watch movie, work, clean home, meet up with friends, running,… And I knew it’s impossible to do them all. It turned out my friend had an emergency and the gathering was cancelled, and I couldn’t run because it was raining and […]

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Joined my fellowship b/s for the first time to catch a movie (The Avengers).  I enjoyed watching the individual super hero movies, but it seems a little bit too much when you put them all together in one single movie. Didn’t have dinner at home again tonight, I was out for dinner on Mon. and […]

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<<3 Idiots>>

Was out for lunch and suddenly remembered about the movie <<3 Idiots>> that was highly recommended by my sister and brother-in-law.  The 3-hour movie did not fall short of the expectation, it brought back some wonderful memories of the undergrad engineering days.  I was so idealistic and full of passion and hope back in those […]

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Successfully rented and watched a movie through the Apple TV for the first time tonight.  My 6 y/o nephew was generous enough to pay for the rental, it’s good that he experiences the joyfulness of sharing his wealth with others at a young age. Enjoyed the movie, I have such a soft spot for animations.  […]

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The Borrower Arrietty

Saw the movie <<The Borrower Arrietty>> with my sister, brother-in-law, niece, nephew and his friend today.  It’s been ages since I saw a movie by Hayao Miyazaki in the theatre, it was one of the most awesome movies I’ve seen in the last few years!  Love the way the environmental message was subtlly delivered from […]

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Toy Story 3

My sister and brother-in-law decided to take my niece and nephew (from my brother) to watch Toy Story 3 today, and I chose to tag along.  I went into the theatre without reading any reviews or watching the trailer beforehand.  I don’t remember watching the second episode either.  The movie was surprisingly good, I think […]

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  • MAR
    S M T W T F S
  • 723 Studio