I’ve opened a time-capsule today! There’s this huge cylindrical tin-can I use to put away all the letters I received. I opened it up and after sorting through the phone and bank statements, I’m left with a load of old letters written to me by my HK highschool friends. I’ve spent the whole day sorting […]
Continuing with my archival project(s), today I’ve scanned and uploaded all the postcards I’ve received over the years. I’ve re-read every single one of them during the process, such delightful memories to cherish… I’m excited every time I receive a postcard. The photos on them are always so captivating, fueling your desire to experience the […]
While I like to unclutter and clear out things I don’t need, there are certain things I like to archive. Things I would collect include stuff that I think might be useful later, things like tin cans, art supplies, and etc. But there are also things that have significant remembrance values – letters/gifts from friends […]
Last Day
I’ve booked my flight to HK. August 25th, 2009 marks the last day I’ll be in Canada, a place where I’ve spent more than half my life in.