New Year’s Eve
Couldn’t join my fellowship’s hotpot at night because I’m still on medication and my doctor advised me not to join gatherings with many people. It has been like a month since I last joined fellowship, sure hope I’ll be able to recover fully and join again soon. Tonight’s another one of those times when I […]
Christmas 2014
Didn’t join the Christmas service at church this year because the doctor advised me to avoid crowds while I’m still continuing the medication. Instead, we had the rare occasion to meet up our uncle and aunt for dim sum. They had been battling with some serious illness in recent years, it was good to see […]
Fellowship Retreat
Came back from my fellowship retreat this afternoon, read the news and napped for about an hour before going out for a run, my first run since the Umbrella Movement started on Sept. 28th. I had been looking forward to the retreat, worked till near midnight for 3 consecutive nights before taking a day off […]
2014 GOOD City Index
Came across the news that HK was ranked 1st in this years GOOD City Index!! According to the website: “… a city’s heartbeat is best measured in ‘possibility‘—the pervading sense that though a place may be far from perfect, its citizens are taking a bold stake in its future through a mixture of creativity, hustle, […]
Thanksgiving Challenge – Day 5/5
Faith – As much as I wish to introduce my family and friends to the love, joy, peace, and hope of Christianity, I seldom talk about it myself. Admittedly not being too good with words, I hope that others would see God’s work in me through the things that I do. 1. Thankful that I […]
Creative Friday
Deliberately avoided doing the regular work at the studio today. Instead, I completed the “homework” for my rubber stamping class, watered the plants, and did a little reorganization of the stuff in the studio. Since moving my painting classes from Monday to Saturday, I no longer continued my Creative Mondays. Kinda miss it, so I’m […]
34th Birthday
I’m one of those people who likes to hide his birthday on FB, not that I’m afraid of revealing my age, I just don’t really think that’s something important. After all, I don’t remember having read anything about a birthday celebration in the bible. Having said that, I was a bit anxious last night to […]
Fellowship & Love
It was the second consecutive week that our fellowship programme centered around “finding our life partner”, seems like many people are interested in the topic, I don’t think I’ve ever seen so many people since I joined the fellowship about 3 years ago. It seems strange to me sometimes, in a crowded city like HK, […]
Valentine’s Day
Valentine’s Day isn’t really such a festive day for singles like me. Did a quick Wiki look up, the origin of the holiday was setup in remembrance of a Christian martyr and has nothing to do with flowers and chocolates. Nonetheless, I’m happy for those who have found their other half, may they cherish one […]