<<3 Idiots>>

Was out for lunch and suddenly remembered about the movie <<3 Idiots>> that was highly recommended by my sister and brother-in-law.  The 3-hour movie did not fall short of the expectation, it brought back some wonderful memories of the undergrad engineering days.  I was so idealistic and full of passion and hope back in those […]

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The Borrower Arrietty

Saw the movie <<The Borrower Arrietty>> with my sister, brother-in-law, niece, nephew and his friend today.  It’s been ages since I saw a movie by Hayao Miyazaki in the theatre, it was one of the most awesome movies I’ve seen in the last few years!  Love the way the environmental message was subtlly delivered from […]

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Green Wall

Had a chance to visit a large indoor green wall installation designed by Patrick Blanc tonight.  I wasn’t as excited as I thought I would be, but it’s still a very pleasant experience.  I want to experiment with a small version of this green wall in my studio later, without using artificial lights of course! […]

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After 2 weekends of lecture, I can finally attend Sunday Service once again this morning.  I miss the tranquility and the constant reminder of how blessed I am. Over the years, I had grew into the habit of ceasing all work and simply rest/play on Sundays.  There are 6 days to work in a week, […]

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Aquarium II

I’ve been making slight modifications to the small aquarium in my studio since late August, and the latest addition is a batch of Cherry Shrimps acquired last week.  Together with snails, tiny catfishes, and lots of vegetation, the aquarium is evolving into a small freshwater ecosystem! The aquarium is my main source of visual entertainment […]

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Experienced the drastic switch in density when I moved back from Canada more than a year ago.  40-stories seemed to be the minimum height of residential/commercial towers being erected here in the last decade or so.  Living in high-density cities like HK is good in a lot of ways and will inevitably become the norm […]

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Chung Yeung Festival

Parents left home early for Mainland to pay respect to ancestors.  I also congested my way through crowds who were heading to the cemetery, but I was just going for a friendly game of soccer nearby.  It was rather awkward playing under the strong smell of burning incense, but I had a great time playing […]

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Last Supper

Parents will return from their 10+ day European trip tomorrow.  The freedom and tranquility of being home alone will inevitably cease tomorrow evening.  I seized the opportunity and treated myself with abundant forbidden food for the last time tonight! Slightly drunk from the 2 beer while I’m writing this post.  This half conscious state of […]

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When asked about my farewell gift from my Elim Fellowship’s b/s, I requested The Message – a contemporary English translation of the best-selling book of all times.  After bringing back this gift with me to HK for a little over a year, I’ve finally finished reading it from front to back! Now is the time […]

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Cardboard DIY Crafts

Frank Gehry’s Wiggle Chair had a major influence on me.  The creativity and craftsmanship involved in transforming a common discarded material into something so gorgeous and yet functional is simply ingenious! I’ve been experimenting a great deal in upcycling corrugated cardboard into plant pots, file holders, iPhone stands, boxes, etc.  Yet my greatest encouragement in […]

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  • MAR
    S M T W T F S
  • 723 Studio