Social Week
Received a very thoughtful Christmas mail from a very sweet friend in Canada early this past week. Another friend in US asked for my updated address to send his yearly greetings. I’m truly grateful to be in the mind of friends during the holiday seasons. Without them, I may have forgotten it was already December!! […]
What To Do? (2)
Early past week an organization called Wall-Fare (石牆花), which was established 9 months ago to help the pro-democracy detainees/prisoners, officially disbanded under political pressure. I was down for a couple of days. Under the imposed national security law, many pro-democracy members were detained/imprisoned for months (even year) without given public trial. With the disbandment of […]
What To Do?
Work seems to be picking up after my (half) Sabbatical and studio cleanup, made a new batch of business cards before meeting up a couple of potential collaborators in the past week. In our conversations, I did not hide my plans of possibly moving the business to Canada in the near future as I had […]
Canada Day
There are a few commonalities between my 2 homes – Hong Kong and Canada. Their flags are colored in red and white and include a symbolic flora, and they both share a public holiday on July 1st. In HK, the handover of a colonial democratic government to a brutal dictator regime on July 1st 1997 […]
Work From Home
Worked from home the entire week, only went back to the studio on Sat. to do some prototyping. Caught up with my Inktober52 cartoons, annual daily devotions is now less than 1 week behind instead of 3, and made considerable progress on the deTour collaboration project. Could honestly say that I did the best I […]