Easter Holiday
In preparing for this long Easter holiday weekend, I rushed into finishing my first prototype of a Shigeru-Ban-inspired papertube furniture in the studio. Also went for a haircut, first cut in more than 6 months I think. My weekly community running clinic also ended just before the holidays. The studio’s building was cutting electricity for […]
Sketch… Good Friday Service
CNY 2021
Was busy with some last minute fai chun writing for my family last week running up to CNY. Had dinner with my parents, sister, and brother-in-law on CNY’s eve. Went into hiding and never left my apartment for the first 4 days of CNY. This is the first time I didn’t see my parents on […]
Being somewhat of an introvert, I sometimes feel exhausted after social events. I’m more at ease doing things solo. But after months of adhering to social distancing rules, I’m starting to feel exhausted, lacking motivation and patience, and easily irritated. Perhaps I’m finally feeling what many experts are calling pandemic-fighting fatigue (抗疫疲勞). February also heightened […]
Goodbye 2020
New Year came on Friday, but the atmosphere during the long weekend was the least festive I’ve ever experienced. The world seems more glad to see 2020 pass than hopeful to welcome 2021. I spent the long weekend wrapping up a couple of projects in the studio. Reviewing 2020, there wasn’t much accomplishments to speak […]
Winter Solstice, Christmas,…
The holiday season started with the Winter Solstice on Monday. It’s a traditional Chinese celebration when most people would make their best effort to go home for a warm family dinner. With the pandemic still serious, my family of 10 (in HK) did not celebrate together for the first time in the past 11 years […]
Mid-Autumn Festival
The Mid-Autumn Festival this year coincided with China’s National Day. With political conflicts piling up and unresolved and a pandemic easing but never seems to cease, the atmosphere this year seemed worst for the 10 years since I returned to HK. There was no celebration to speak of other than eating a moon cake for […]
Canada Day 2020
On July 1st, I prefer to celebrate Canada Day over the Handover Day of Hong Kong back to China, which is not something worth celebrating in many Hongkongers’ point-of-view. I was born in HK and have spent much of my life here. I have also lived in Canada for about 15 years. I’ve moved back […]
Sketch… Good Friday Service

Woke up in the middle of the night at around 3am and couldn’t fall back to sleep even though I was still tired. Did my daily devotions, followed by breakfast while catching up on the daily news. It was 6-ish am when I finished my morning routine, I pushed myself out the door for my […]