Day Off

Took a day off to go see the winning entries of the GIFT Competition.  It was nice to see all the marvelous works of local talents, my entry was a bit of a joke in comparison. There was time to spare in the afternoon, I bought some supplies and eagerly went straight to the studio […]

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July 1st, 2013

Thought hard about joining the July 1st protest to show my disapproval of the current Chief Executive of the city, but chickened out the last minute.  I could have blamed it on the poor weather or the tiredness from running, but I know good well that those are nothing but excuses.  I still very much […]

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July 1st, 2013


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34th Birthday

I’m one of those people who likes to hide his birthday on FB, not that I’m afraid of revealing my age, I just don’t really think that’s something important.  After all, I don’t remember having read anything about a birthday celebration in the bible. Having said that, I was a bit anxious last night to […]

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Unscheduled Day-Off

Woken up at around 4am by the blasting sound of thunderstorm, I seriously haven’t felt a storm that loud and in such close proximity before, my half-awake mind was flashed with surreal images of bomb blasts and civilians running for their lives… Alarm went off, and I simply turned it off and continued sleeping as […]

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Mother’s Day

Spent a little time on this Mother’s Day weekend to tend my “farm” at home.  Delivered some baby succulents and planted them as a living ornamental gift for my friends’ house-warming present. The Mother’s Day gift I made for my mother last year has grown quite a lot over the year, quite amazing.  This is […]

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Website Finally Relaunched!!

This site had been down for more than a month, initially due to a problem at the server end, then holiday mood took over and I just rested and never picked up any website work until recently after the CNY holidays. While spending the time to migrate this site to a new web host, I […]

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Holiday Gatherings

Just realized that I’ve been having dinner with my visiting sister and family for 5 consecutive nights!  Our family of 14 had our last afternoon dim sum today before my sister’s family took their flight back to Toronto. I’m always thankful for my family and friends, but the frequent gatherings recently seemed to have left […]

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Christmas 2012

This year’s Christmas is one of the busiest.  After an early  church service, I rested a little and cleaned up my place before meeting a friend from Toronto for afternoon tea.  Had dinner with my family and then got home for a late drink with my good old housemates. Drinks ended at around 2:30am, now […]

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Hasn’t been doing too much work this week, but happy that I managed to send off 2 small website projects for testing.  Was thinking about finishing another adhoc support request before taking a break from work, but got stuck and couldn’t do much before hearing back from the client. With the 2 website projects pretty […]

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