Christmas 2014
Didn’t join the Christmas service at church this year because the doctor advised me to avoid crowds while I’m still continuing the medication. Instead, we had the rare occasion to meet up our uncle and aunt for dim sum. They had been battling with some serious illness in recent years, it was good to see […]
Father’s Birthday
It so happens that my father’s lunar birthday is on Silent Night this year. We had hot pot at my brother’s place and took the precious opportunity to take a family photo. The last time our family of 14 had a family photo together was 2 years ago!
Christmas Trees
Finally took the time to take care of my little rock garden at home… Bought 3 “Christmas trees” this year, 2 to replace a couple that were dead. It’s been more than 5 years since I returned to HK…
Home Sweet Home!
Having spent 12 days at the hospital, it feels especially good to be home again! Thank you again for all your prayers and kind messages. Found a little info about my illness – Adult-onset Still’s Disease (AOSD, The very rare disease is without a known cause nor is it preventable. It’s not infectious either, […]
Update of My Illness
Fever has gone for more than 48 hours… Will take some blood samples tomorrow, If everything looks ok, I may go home in a few days and will not need to spend my Christmas in the hospital…
The watch that I have been wearing for close to 7 years stopped running today, it was a gift from my brother given when I visited HK in X’mas 07′. I’m guessing the battery ran out. But since a little bit of the glass face was chipped off, I figured this would be a good […]
Day Off
Took a day off because I signed up to attend some seminars at my Alma Mater. The seminars starts at 11am, so I figured today would be a nice day to start a new routine of getting up early. Woke up at around 6:30am, had a light breakfast while reading the news, then I went […]
DIY Lantern
My sister and brother-in-law couldn’t join our regular family dim sum after church today, I decided to skip as well. Instead of the regular Sunday routine, I decided to spend the day in the quiet studio. Insisted not to work on a Sunday, I let creativity take control and designed a DIY lantern in preparation […]
7.1 Rally
Went with my sister and brother-in-law to join the annual 7.1 Rally. I joined the rally for my first time 2 years ago, didn’t go last year, and this year it felt like I couldn’t afford to miss it. The rally this year is definitely more crowded and tiring. Wouldn’t it be nice to chill […]
35th Birthday
Gave myself a day-off and visited the Studio Ghibli Layout Designs exhibition in the afternoon. It was amazing seeing the thousands of sketches from the many familiar animated films I had watched over the past, I can only imagine the time and effort it takes to produce a couple of hours of animation. Had dinner […]