A New Start
The Chinese New Year has quickly come and gone. Today is just a few days short of my half-anniversary of returning to HK, nothing much had been accomplished or changed, I’m still my old unmotivated self with lots of bad habits intact. Subconsciously, I was hoping the change in environment would help me start life […]
Chinese New Year 2010
It must have been more than 10 years since I last spent CNY in HK. The atmosphere is definitely more festive and vibrant compared to Toronto. I haven’t seen the restaurants this quiet, my home phone this busy, and my family this happy since returning to HK. Kung Hey Fat Choi!! p.s. Happy Valentine’s Day.
New Year’s Resolution
Every year I make my New Year’s Resolution, but they’re usually broken in less than a month’s time. I am resolute that I keep my New Year’s Resolution this year! Here’s my New Year’s Resolution for 2010: Finish reading The Message Complete the online drawing lessons Start a company and earn a positive net income […]
Guangdong, China
My Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and Boxing day this year were spent on a tour to Guangzhou with my family. It must have been at least a few years since I’ve stayed in China for that long, it was a rather stimulating experience. Despite being warned previously, I didn’t expect the air quality could be […]
Merry Christmas 2009!
It’s been a long while since I’ve done any cartooning… I sometimes wonder how Christmas became so consumeristic over the years. Have we ever tried stepping back and ponder about how the holiday originated? I think my ever curious nephews and niece have much influence on the idea of this cartoon! =) Since I’ll be […]
Mid-Autumn Festival
It must have been more than 10 years since I last celebrated the Mid-Autumn Festival with my family. Other than lighting up a few lanterns, it was just an ordinary evening. But it certainly felt special in a warm and peaceful kind of way…