Second Wave
Our city’s number of confirmed COVID-19 cases had seen a second wave of surge this past week due to an influx of travelers returning from more inflicted countries. Experts are urging people to continue practicing social distancing. Looks like I’ll be sticking with my isolation routine for at least 2 more weeks. It’s not easy, […]
Isolation Under COVID-19
Second week attending Sunday Service remotely from home. Under the COVID-19 epidemic, fellowship, calligraphy class and all social activities has come to a complete halt, feeling rather isolated even though I was never quite a social animal. Only left home for work twice this week. My colleague gave me red pockets and that made me […]
Life Under 2019-nCoV
Worked home for another week to save on masks. Besides eating and sleeping, much of my time was spent going through a Chinese dictionary of 4-letter phrases and practicing Chinese calligraphy by copying the relevant words for a long unfinished project. The dictionary was a gift from my dad when I moved back to Canada […]
2019-nCoV Threat
With the imminent threat of the Wuhan coronavirus and an unreliable government in controlling its infiltration to our city, I have extended the CNY holiday for another week. However, I did go back to the studio on Sat. to do some cleaning and to pack some stuff to work from home this coming week. Decided […]
CNY Holidays
It has been many years since I’ve spent so many hours at home in my room. In midst of the Wuhan Coronavirus epidemic fear, the motivation to enter the public realm was low, so I spent most of the time in this CNY holidays catching up on Netflix. Finally watched the second season of Midnight […]
Woke up in the middle of the night at around 3am and couldn’t fall back to sleep even though I was still tired. Did my daily devotions, followed by breakfast while catching up on the daily news. It was 6-ish am when I finished my morning routine, I pushed myself out the door for my […]
New Year Resolutions
Took me awhile, finally made time to sit down and come up with my list of resolutions for the new year 2020. Looking back at my 2019 resolutions, I only managed to check off 2 or 3 resolutions and the rest were either still in progress or left untouched. Nonetheless, 2019 had been an unexpectedly […]
Holiday Season
The atmosphere in the city this holiday season seems to be the worst one for the past 10 years since I returned from Canada – Silent Night not so silent and Christmas Day seeing more chaotic protest news than about the birth of baby Jesus. There are a few things that lifted up my Christmas […]
6 Months of Protest
Joined another city protest with my sister and brother-in-law yesterday. It has been 6 months of social unrest since the 1-million-people strong peaceful protest on June 9th. The controversial extradition bill was finally withdrawn in September, but the uncountable protests in the past 6 months had revealed many more issues in our city including government […]
A Good Week
The past week was a good week, a rarity in recent months. Early on Monday, many Hongkongers woke up to the uplifting news about the big win of the pro-democracy camp in the district council election. I found out that my district is actually one of the most pro-Beijing districts and the candidate I voted […]