Greening My Studio III

Spent much of my last week designing and assembling a miniature stone garden for my studio’s window shelf.  Due to my lack of care, a lot of the bonsai plants given during class already looks like they’re dying with much of their leaves lost.  Hopefully, with more tender care, they’ll be revived and bud out […]

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Shelf Doors

Added some coverings for my studio’s shelve.  Like many of my DIY projects, it took much longer than I initially planned.  But it’s worth the effort, I can now use it to display whatever images I can dream up.  Nice furniture should be made to last, the ability to re-skin it to suit different contexts […]

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Corrugated Cardboard

I’ve spent much of the last few days cutting up cardboard!  My mom must have thought that I was going insane or something. =) With a little spare time after the busy January, I decided to transform all the corrugated cardboard I’ve saved up from my lair’s furnishings into something useful, things like document holders […]

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DIY Clock

As I grew older, I became more conscious of the passing of time.  I remember the good old time when I seemed to have all the time in the world to play, but now time seems to pass by ever faster and becoming ever more precious. Time seems to pause, however, when I’m absorbed in […]

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My Office/Studio (part II)

It’s such a wonderful feeling to see what you have imagined turn into reality!  It took me about 2 weeks time to buy and assemble all the furniture for my office/studio following my initial design.  I waited no time to move in all my school/work related stuff from my bedroom. Now I can physically isolate […]

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Succulent Plants

A couple of weeks ago, I decided to make my room more environmental-friendly.  After 3 or 4 visits to the Flowers’ Market, I have myself a row of 10 succulent plants next to my bed, just like what I used to have in my Toronto lair. I enjoy seeing the little greenery next to my […]

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Study Area

After numerous visits to my favorite furniture store, I’m now almost complete  in setting up my study area.  It’s relatively small compared to my lair in Toronto, but it’s quite cozy and quiet, and allows me to concentrate quite well (provided that my curious nephews don’t come up to disturb me).  I’ve spent most of […]

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CD Lava Lamp

While I was packing, I found an old lava lamp, some robotics stuff for my undergrad design project, and a bunch of useless CDs.  I spent my Friday afternoon transforming all that into somewhat of a sculpture. There are 2 more projects I wish to complete before I leave Toronto – One is to transform […]

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Cardboard Plant Pot Holders

Inspired by Frank Gehry’s Wiggle Chair, I constructed a row of plant pot holders using recycled cardboard.  Since the cool temperature in the basement does not provide the optimal condition for my succulent plants, I’ve also created a pipe using Pringle’s chips containers to pump warm air from my PC through the row of plants. […]

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  • MAR
    S M T W T F S
  • 723 Studio