Work Friday
Had to skip my Creative Friday due to work. Suddenly got busy as I accepted a somewhat urgent freelance website work, it was more to help a friend out than to work for the money. I would rather spend the time to kick-start a new exciting venture that I’ve been discussing with a good friend. […]
Busy Week
Last week was a rather busy week, spent most of my time setting up the studio – moving the heavy shelves, painting walls, mopping floor, assembling and arranging furniture, and cleaning up. The place should be ready for my “co-locaters” and their stuff to move in tomorrow. Also managed to squeeze some time last week […]
Busy December
Had been a little busy in the past week designing a mockup for a freelance website project. Got that finished and had it sent off for review. Have to start a couple of CNY designs for church next week as they’re due on Friday, that should occupy much of my time this week. Hope to […]
Job Application
With a bit of spontaneity, I’ve sent out my first job application in HK today! I wasn’t really looking for a job per se, but I came across a part-time research position that seemed like a perfect match for me. The job nature seemed right (research, part-time), the field (architecture, sustainability) is something I’m really […]
Freelance Work Cleared II !
It took longer than I thought, but I finally made live and issued the invoice for my last piece of freelance work! My heart felt notably lightened. It has been a blessed ~9-month journey in freelancing. I was able to keep my finances above water without needing any marketing campaign or going all out to […]
Freelance Work Cleared!
Came home from fellowship last night and continued my work, it wasn’t until around 3am that I finished and sent off my last piece of freelance work for testing. The work actually wasn’t urgent at all, but I’ve been wanting for a long time to clear out all my freelance work, I felt like I […]
Sporting Nights & Freelancing
Played sports (badminton/soccer) for the third consecutive night tonight, my muscles will definitely be extra sore the next morning. Will let my body rest for the next 2 days before playing badminton again on Sunday. =) These sporting nights have shifted my daily routine to start late in the morning, it’s a good thing that […]
Sometimes in life there are these little things that are not urgent, has no apparent deadline, and you just don’t want to spend time on. Ironically, because of a promise you’ve made, you just can’t seem to focus on more pleasurable things until those dreadful tasks were completed. That is exactly what it felt like […]
Had been spending much of this week working on a website revamp project that’s due at the end of the year, got about 80% done, sent it off for review, probably won’t need to work much on it for a couple of weeks. Felt particularly lighthearted during fellowship tonight. Work is piling up for me, […]
Was rather busy in the last couple of weeks working on a freelance flash game project. Was slightly less busy this week which allowed me to clear up a couple of pro bono work for my churches (my current church in HK and my home church back in Toronto). Perhaps I’ve overworked a little too […]