Plan Postponed
Today is a “sensitive day” according to the local government officials. It’s sad to witness the city deteriorate to a point where people are afraid of merely saying the two numerical digits “64” and commemorating publicly what happened on this day 35 years ago. It feels suffocating to live in a city where we’re constantly […]
“Special Day”
It was a super hot and muggy week. I started going back to work earlier in the morning for the sake of AC. After completing the custom chop for the studio’s new “resident artist”, I started prototyping some postcard-sized calligraphy artwork which I hope to make available online in coming weeks. Today marks the 34th […]
RoboArm and House Cleanup
After a couple of days of studio work, I managed to make the RoboArm kit come alive! With the stepper motors and end stops now under control, the next step will be to hack the code and program the RoboArm kit to do something useful. I’ll spare this fun for a later time as there […]
One Month
Was about to leave home to meet friends for dinner when I spotted the bright full moon rising from Kowloon Peak. It reminded me that I had returned to this deteriorating city for one full month. Life seems to be returning to what it used to be before the 3-month long summer vacation in Canada. […]
Holiday Meetups
Had a few meetups with friends this past week, some of them I haven’t seen since the pandemic began 2 years ago! It’s good that we met up just before an imminent 5th pandemic wave. After 80+ days of zero community COVID cases, a few Omicron variant cases linking a restaurant near my parents’ place […]
A Death Blow To Appledaily
The sad week noted on my earlier post turned sadder still. The only pro-democracy newspaper media company, Appledaily, folded and printed their last newspaper on Thursday after being raided by police and had their financial accounts frozen the week before. They printed a record 1 million copies and it was already sold out when I […]
A Sad Week
Following a memorable bday long weekend, the past week was by contrast rather sad… Went to the airport to farewell an old family friend whom I know for over 30 years on Tuesday. Saw his parents and sister for the first time in many years, they obviously were sad to see their son (and 2y/o […]
Dined out with family and friends 3 times this week, a record high in recent months amidst the pandemic. The number of confirmed cases saw a small rise to low double digits this weekend, hope those were only isolated cases and that we can continue to transition back to a more healthy social state. Finally […]
Back To Work…
Easing back to work after the super long Easter holidays. Reviewed my Q1 goals while writing up new Q2 goals. Continue to plan my new work in anticipation of a new normal after the pandemic. Rearranged some tables in the studio to make room for more R&D and prototyping work. Also ordered some furniture to […]
Carrying On…
With the social-distancing restrictions relaxed, my social activities are slowly picking up once again. My weekly Chinese calligraphy class was resumed on Tuesday since stopping from December. Had dinner with a few fellowship brothers on Friday, last meet up was probably around half a year ago before the 4th pandemic wave hit the city. Also […]