Week of Meetups
Met up with my old fellowship b/s for dinner last night. Other than meeting some new kids, every b/s seemed more or less the same as 6+ years ago. Though the small fellowship hasn’t really grown over the last few years, and some b/s had switched churches or even stopped going to fellowship, our relationships […]
More Hospitability
Been back to my “home and native” land for about 10 days already, and I’m still constantly experiencing friends’ warm welcome and hospitality! Had 3 different meet and catch-up meals with old friends over the pass weekend, there were lots of joy and laughters. Many friends seeing how much I missed Canada suggested I move […]
Joined Sunday service at my home church here in Toronto, many things and people seemed the same as before, strangely felt like I had travelled back in time to 6 years ago. Had lunch with a few of my old fellowship sisters afterwards, the 6 years of separation didn’t seem to have distanced our relationships, […]
Typhoon Hato
Typhoon Hato hit town today, it’s the third time typhoon n0.8 or above was hoisted this year. It’s not difficult to remember because the first time happened on my birthday, the second time on my studio’s birthday, and the third time exactly one month afterwards. I decided to stay home during this crazy weather. The construction site […]
Creative Monday
Tried doing brush and ink portraiture of real people instead of animals. It seemed more difficult as minor misplacement of the facial features can easily render the portrait untruthful of the person being drawn. And it took much longer to draw people, more than twice the time I need to draw animal portraits, as I […]
Starting Life Anew
After a week of mourning and using cartooning and bible scriptures to help myself emotionally cope with my uncle’s passing away, I wished to start life anew this week. I started my running practice again, made 3 short morning runs over the week, the associated endorphins generated seemed to help. I also started a new daily routine […]
Called up my calligraphy teacher to tell him of my absence tomorrow morning; Messaged my fellowship committee to inform them of my absence this Friday evening. I think I could really use some time to mourn of my uncle’s death. I’m still sad (with some regrets too) and easily sobs when I think of the things […]
CNY Holiday Ends
The CNY holiday ended as though it had never begun. This holiday season was occupied by family and friends gatherings, one following another without much quiet time for myself to do some reflection and planning as I so eagerly hoped. Although tiring, I’m still thankful to be able to meet up with so many friends, […]
Asked my friend to tag me along to do some cycling with his friends, it’s something I haven’t done for ages! One of my purpose to join my friend’s cycling activity was to explore the possibility of organising a cycling outing in my fellowship. Now that I’ve done so, I think it will be really […]
Highschool Friends Meetup
One of my HK highschool friend is getting married in early Dec., so he organised a small meet up to pass on his wedding invitations. Though I unfortunately couldn’t attend the wedding banquet, I made an effort to join the little reunion of high school friends because I haven’t seen most of them for years, […]