The 2013-14 Budget

The 2013-14 Budget for HK was released yesterday, I actually spared the time to search and skim through the report for the first time ever (a good sign of me getting old).  Something troubled me about the Budget, in it were only 3 short paragraphs about “environmental protection and conservation” and only a merely $15 […]

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Visiting UTSC

Visited my research supervisor at UTSC, he treated me and the entire research group for lunch!  Really glad to see everyone again. With the peculiar character of our supervisor, I had many happy and yet productive hours spent in my year of study there.  Happy to see the lab prospering, the world can use more […]

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PGBC Symposium 2009 (UC|UG)

It was my first time visiting the Hong Kong Science & Technology Park (HKSTP) this morning.  The Professional Green Building Council Symposium 2009 on Urban Climate & Urban Greenery was unexpectedly interesting.  I enjoy sitting in and listening to this type of conference that inspires me to think, but often times I just leave wondering […]

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