IT Proficiency Exam – Pass
Checked the result this morning, I passed the IT Proficiency Exam I took about a week ago! One step closer to completing my degree. Need to stay focus and work even harder in March, still hoping to finish my dissertation before April…
Had spent a few days searching for journal articles that are relevant to my dissertation, a total of 405 articles were found! I was being very meticulous, trying my best not to let the slightest relevant article slip away. When I was doing my M.Env.Sci. thesis, papers were passed down to me to study, and […]
Borrowed a few more books today. Spent so much time this week searching for relevant journal articles, slowly becoming more clear about my research topic and will start narrowing my search next week. The research phase is taking much longer than I anticipated… I’m thankful that I was able to free myself from distractions and […]
The cold and gloomy weather in the last couple of days was particularly suited to do some reading in my cozy studio. Felt like I’m finally able to switch to full research mode for my dissertation. I desperately need the concentration if I were to complete it by the end of March as planned. Had […]
Back to Work
Started creating my daily to-do list again. It felt uneasy without a list of tasks to follow each day. I don’t quite like long unplanned holidays, especially when I know that I’ve unfinished work waiting for me. Holiday’s over, desperately need to catch up on my Dissertation…
Though this book wasn’t as relevant to my dissertation as I hoped, it was still an interesting read. It got be started on understanding the economic and social sides of sustainability. While reading the book, I couldn’t stop imagining myself pursuing a career in sustainable design.
I want to investigate whether high-density cities can be sustainable through proper design/planning, so <<Cities and the Environment>> seemed relevant. However, much of the papers included were emphasizing the political and economical factors, and sustainability was only vaguely mentioned. So, I just skimmed through the book.
Spent my day reading a short book to whet my appetite for a potentially long reading/writing period on my dissertation. Kind of enjoy this initial researching phase in which there are more questions than answers.