Only added a couple hundred words to my dissertation today. I didn’t slack off, I just spent much of the time reviewing literature. 1806 words down, 8194 more to go! Continuing the work tomorrow…
Thankful that I had another full uninterrupted day to work on my dissertation, completed a total of 1614 words, 8386 more to go! Continuing the work tomorrow…
Another day spent working on my dissertation. Made considerable progress, 978 words completed, and 9022 words to go! Continuing my work tomorrow… Counting my last academic days is shaping to be like counting the remaining words needed for my dissertation!
Finally started the actual writing of my dissertation, 286 words completed and 9714 more to go! Will continue the work tomorrow… This whole dissertation had dragged on far longer than I anticipated. I thought that by locking myself up for a few weeks would heighten my focus and productivity, but the effect seems negligible. I’m […]
Continuing the work on my dissertation day and night, and on a Saturday too! Took almost a week to hunt and synthesize all the data to plot the graphs. Seems like I’ll have an interesting story to tell, will start the actual writing next week. I still remember the time my good friend reminded me […]
Data Hunt
Woke up at 7am this morning and worked non-stop for most of the day. Had 2 cups of coffee and never uttered a word for the entire day. I’ve long forgotten what it feels like to work this hard. Will continue the data hunting exercise for my dissertation tomorrow…
The Last Lecture
Attended the last lecture for my entire 2-year part-time study, it was delivered by a very nice professor from CMU, reminded me of the touching presentation of the Last Lecturer. All I’m left with now is a dissertation and a case-study project to complete my degree. Need to lock myself up for another couple of […]
A New Start… (Postponed)
Tonight was the first fellowship gathering for a new year (fiscal), got assigned to a new group, will probably need some time to get acquainted with the new b/s. Ever since the beginning of the year, I’ve had this idealistic but unwritten/unplanned goal in mind – to finish all school work and start everything new […]
Ecological Footprint of Cities
Finally gathered enough data to plot the ecological footprint (EF) of 30 cities against their population density. It’s reassuring to see the trend of decreasing EF as population density increases. It also shows that I’ve lowered my EF from 7.36 to 4.4 gha (avg.) by moving from Toronto to HK!
Revisited this book, Ecological Footprint can be an interesting tool to measure the sustainability of cities, will try to gather data and plot some graphs for my dissertation tomorrow. Was a bit sleep deprived over the weekend because of sleeping problems and two long day lectures (not sure if the 2 were related). Anyway, felt […]