Creative Monday

Hardly did anything creative today other than stroll around furniture and design stores looking for inspirations for a design competition I plan to participate in.  During my regular weekly oil painting class tonight, we started a new painting. One of my best friends initiated a conversation today about starting a little business together, this isn’t […]

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Holiday Starts!

Restarted work on a website for my church’s new branch.  The project was initiated last year, but had been on hold for much of the time.  Spent a lot of time on the website this week, it should now be very close to being able to launch, really hope that the project won’t drag on […]

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Creative Monday

Had a particular productive Creative Monday today!  In addition to my regular weekly oil painting class at night, I attempted my first ever graffiti work in the afternoon! The reason that I could do graffiti is that I’ve finally found a dirty and under-utilized industrial flat as studio space!  I plan to set up a […]

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Aftermath Of Competition

Started working from home again since my mother was injured early July.  And for the last week or so I even moved in to sleep in my home studio to focus on completing the submission for the architecture design competition.  Worked restlessly – there wasn’t a night I slept before 3am, and I even pulled […]

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Monday Without Painting

It’s been a long time since I had a Monday without the weekly painting class, the first class for the new course will start next Monday. Spent most of the day to catch up my reading on an online architecture/design blog. Also spent a little time to rest and to read the bible, came across […]

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TTMSSPC – Red Packet Design


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Red Pocket Design

Designing the red pocket last year was my first and happiest experience in serving my church.  I was thinking about passing the wonderful experience to a new professional designer this year, but she’s too busy to take up the design task. Was given only 2 days to design it, sparked an idea that would let […]

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VY Wedding Invitation Card

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Worked rather diligently in the last couple of days, finally sent off a small design project for feedback, hopefully the client will like the design and won’t require a lot of changes.  That’s one problem with working in the design field – it’s rather difficult to estimate the time to be spent on projects as […]

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Creative Mondays

Sent off the final print version of my friends’ wedding materials design, and then completed another revision of my church’s PowerPoint template design. Ended my Creative Monday with the oil painting class.  Completed the first painting of the new course, had to rush through it at the end and the result was not as good […]

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  • 723 Studio