Farewell Dinner
I had the farewell dinner with my church b/s tonight. I truly feel blessed that God allowed me to be surrounded by such wonderful people every week. The truth is, I’ll probably miss them as much as they’ll miss me…
Elim Fellowship
I’ve been feeling this stress/anxiety building up inside me throughout the week. There were a few nights I couldn’t fall sleep until 4 or 5am. This is not like the stress I feel in exam times, and I don’t recall any similar prior experience. It’s beyond my vocabulary to describe what I’m feeling… I felt […]
Week of Gatherings
I had the pleasure to meet up and farewell many of my friends this week. Friends including colleagues from my last 2 workplaces (GS1 Canada, SCI) and from school (UTSC, UW). I’ve even met up with friends from highschool (EHSS) and elementary school (Steelesview PS)! I’m thankful to be always surrounded by friends – friends […]
CN Tower
I’ve spent more than half my life here in Toronto, but never before had I been up one of the most famous local landmarks – the CN Tower. Some of my friends thoughtfully arranged a lunch gathering up there at the 360 Restaurant today. The aerial view of the city is spectacular! The food is […]
Last Day
I’ve booked my flight to HK. August 25th, 2009 marks the last day I’ll be in Canada, a place where I’ve spent more than half my life in.