Dinner with Friends

Had been going out for dinner with friends almost every single night this week.  Met up with a couple of primary school classmates tonight.  I know it’s very rare that we still keep in touch after so many years, so I cherish every moment that we had a chance to meet up.  Casual and happy […]

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Big Meals

Had a big all-day-breakfast for lunch at around 2pm, I was still not too hungry when I met my ex-colleagues for dinner at 7pm.  The portion for the dinner was even bigger than lunch, I managed to finish it, but my stomach was feeling unhealthily full throughout the night.  The conversations with the couple of […]

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M & J’s Wedding

Attended my good friend’s wedding, that signals the completion of the last mission for this trip.  It was great catching up with my EE2003 friends, especially now that we’re spread all over the places. With my mission accomplished, my remaining trip can be quite spontaneous.  Will spend more time catching up with friends and maybe […]

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Japan’s Earthquake

The air seems particularly hot and stuffy today.  Went to church, dim sum with family, watered my plants, tended my aquarium, and killed hours at night sitting in front of the TV – a typical Sunday routine.  It must have been years that I have the habit not to do any “work” on Sundays (had […]

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Going through a bit of an emotional low lately, perhaps due to the many arguments I had with my parents. Found my consolation from a TV series in the RTHK archive.  It’s a series of stories about people with disabilities (e.g. deaf, mute, blind,…) who managed to cope with and even strive in their everyday […]

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I was 30 minutes late when I arrived at the main campus.  Instead of walking in late to a seminar, I went the opposite way to drop off my book at the library.  Then I took a long slow walk along the usual route in the very quiet campus.  It was a hot and humid […]

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Turned a new page in life at the age of 30 when I decided to move back to the place of my birth.  Now at 31, I wish to gain a more clear picture of my career path and take my very first step towards it.

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Street Food

Took my mind off my paper tonight to play some badminton.  Afterwards, we stopped by this soccer court in Tsing Yi where a hugh bamboo structure was set up for the traditional Chinese opera.  They had this every year when I was living in TY in high school, but I just didn’t expect the tradition […]

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Bioclimatic Building Design

It was a bit of a relief after the last lecture of the Bioclimatic Building Design course yesterday.  At the same time, I was actually a bit saddened to see our professor go.  It was only 2 weeks ago when he came from New Zealand to teach us.  At first, I found him to be […]

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Hong Kong

A place familiar yet distant; A place where I was born and a place where I stayed no longer than half my life. This is Hong Kong, a place where I’ve now unexpectedly adapted to. I had lunch with a friend in Central, and afterward I took a leisurely stroll around the maze of skyscrapers. […]

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