Fuzzy Head

Caught a minor cold/flu with a runny nose, clogged ear, and fuzzy head.  Couldn’t quite put myself to work with this state of mind, took it easy today and watched some Olympics badminton and continued my reading of Jimmy SPA’s illustrative books. <<Beautiful Solitude>>, another imaginative book by Jimmy SPA.  There were a few occasions in […]

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Creative Monday

Wasn’t feeling too well in the morning, partly because of the beer the night before.  I noticed that I’m less tolerant of alcohol after recovering from AOSD, should’ve passed the 2nd round of beer, but how often do you get to meet and chat with a good old friend?! Somewhat dragged myself to the studio […]

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Creative Monday

Finally got my hands on the bible of cartooning – “The Complete Calvin & Hobbes”!  It took the public library 2 weeks to transport the book to the branch nearest me, I think there’s much room for improvement in our public services. I indulged myself with the absolutely addictive book, and did a little cartooning […]

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<< The Figure >>

Took me 5 days to read and practice some of the exercises in the book << The Figure >>, relearned how to draw the human figure, face, hand, etc.  Still can’t fully grasp the gist of capturing gestures, movement, and attitudes.  Need a lot more practice… Seemingly, this week have been a detour from my […]

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New Bible

Finished my 365-day devotional plan this morning!    Subscribing to digital devotional plans like this really motivates one to do their daily devotions, and at the rare occasion of skipping a day or two, one can easily catch up from where they left off. Rather than subscribing to a new digital devotional plan, I decided to […]

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Bible Reading

Out of stubbornness, I shut my desktop and spent my entire day yesterday reading the Green Bible.  Stubbornness paid off, and at 1:30am I had finished reading the last word of Revelations! This concludes another one of my 2011 New Year’s Resolution!

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A Reading Day

It’s been a long time since I last spent a day to just read and nothing else, almost forgot what it feels like to free myself from the daily errands and indulge myself with words.  Finished reading the Old Testament finally, and still hoping to finish reading the entire Bible before the end of 2011…

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2 Year Anniversary

It’s been 2 years since I moved back to HK, time for a little reflection… One of the biggest accomplishments over the last 2 years is the completion of my MSc. degree in Sustainable and Environmental Design.  Read quite a lot of books and had learned a great deal in the subject of Architecture.  I […]

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Learned a bit about Sustainable Development Indicators (SDI) through this book.  Can sustainability actually be measured?!  If not, how else can I define a sustainable city?! Need to go full speed on my dissertation starting next week.  I’ve already declined most of my social activities till the end of March.  Looking at my progress, I’m […]

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Feeling the urgency of my dissertation, I started rejecting social gatherings like soccer last night and badminton tonight. Continued my readings for the dissertation.  Learned about Sustainable Urbanism – an attempt to unify concepts of Smart Growth, New Urbanism, and Green Buildings.

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  • 723 Studio