Creative Monday
Went to the cruise terminal in the afternoon to find a little peace and quiet. Read Ecclesiastes, my favourite book in the bible. Memorised a couple of verses: “So I decided that there is nothing better than to enjoy food and drink and to find satisfaction in work. Then I realized that these pleasures are from […]
Friday Night without Fellowship
There’s no fellowship tonight, and with nothing else better to do, I stayed and worked in the studio. I have no life, I know. My friend and I was recently notified that our application for a handcraft fair on Sept.10-11 was accepted, it’ll be a great opportunity to finally reveal to the outside world some of my […]
Sick Day
Woke up with a minor sore throat and light fever, decided to take a day off and rest at home. I can’t remember the last time I spent the afternoon at home on a weekday. Managed to read the entire book of Ezra and prepare the ppt for tomorrow’s fellowship while taking a few naps […]
Half Marathon Preparation
Last and shortest practice before the actual run on Sunday… Have been practicing on this same track since mid-Oct for 2-3 times a week, one of the nice thing about it is that I can see the Lion Rock towards the end of each lap! “我要向高山舉目,你的幫助從何而來?”
Signed up for my first half-marathon earlier, the run date is set on January 17th. With about 12 weeks to go, I kick started my training this morning. Noting my last run was already back in June, I took it lightly and ran only 4K, felt exhausted but in a good way. I’m thinking it […]
6 Years Ago…
On this day 6 years ago I boarded a plane, left Canada and came back to HK. For the sake of family reunion and unknown career opportunities, I stepped out of my comfort zone and into an unfamiliar land. 6 years has quickly flown by, what have I accomplished? I’ve finished a MSc. degree studying […]
New Bible
Finally finished reading this bible (NLT), it took a lot longer than I planned (~1.5years)… Trying out e-ink for my new bible… Really hope to start things new… Since recovering from sickness at the beginning of the year, I became somewhat weary of diligence, and life seemed sluggish as a result. It was almost as […]
No Fellowship Friday
Stupidly went to church when there was no fellowship programme scheduled, how could I’ve been so careless as to not double check the schedule before leaving work?! Went back to the studio after seeing the empty basketball court and the unlit fellowship room. Decided to start designing the quarterly programme card for the fellowship. It’s […]
I’m Recovered!!
Checked in with the doctor for the last time today, he said I’m totally recovered and no further medication is needed! Thank God. Although costly, my sudden illness seems to me more like a blessing than a curse. Since the inevitable illness started in early Dec., I was given the opportunity to spend more time […]
New Year’s Day
It’s public holiday today, so it seemed especially quiet when I went to the studio in the afternoon. I didn’t do much on the 1st day of 2015 other than slightly improving and printing my to-do/memo/calendar design for January. I also did a little cleaning and organizing of my work desk, preparing myself to start […]