2010 Review

Here’s the review of my New Year’s Resolution for 2010:

  1. Finish reading The Message
  2. Complete the online drawing lessons
  3. Start a company and earn a positive net income  (still have a burning desire, but will focus on finishing school first)
  4. Communicate better and argue less with my parents  (still find it difficult, it’s impossible to reason with them…)
  5. Volunteer at least once  (attempted to seek out opportunities, but no success)
  6. Enter at least one design competition
  7. Able to drive on my own  (drove a few times with my dad on my side)
  8. Rid of my bad habit (improved, but still need work)
  9. Read at least 24 books (read ~15)
  10. Keep all my New Year’s Resolution for 2010!  (how could I kid myself like that?!)

Only managed to accomplish 3/10 of my resolutions, was I too ambitious?  Laziness and sluggishness seemed more likely to be the major cause.

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