Tiring Week

Missed my weekly journal entry last week because I was super exhausted after a fai-chun writing event in Tai Po last Sunday. Apparently, that was just a prelude to a crazy week filled with meetups and bad news.

It started from Monday early afternoon when I had a meet up with a couple of friends in Tsuen Wan to talk about plastic recycling for 3D printing. Met up with my paper making friend in SPK afterwards to drop off my years of collected red packets for recycling. Went to TST afterwards to have dinner with a couple of old drinking friends.

On Tuesday early afternoon, one of the plastic recycling friend came by the studio to pick up a couple boxes of 3D printing scraps and 20+ empty spools for recycling. After that, I got busy with finishing up my weekly calligraphy homework before class in the afternoon. After class, we received the bad news that one of our long beloved elderly classmate (90+ y/o) just passed away.

On Wednesday, I completed a 3D printing order that I had been working on for a couple of weeks. I left the studio in the early evening on a satisfying state. But the nightmare began not long after I returned home from dinner at round 9:30pm when I received a call from my brother saying my studio may be on fire and firefighters were on their way. When I rushed back to the studio, firefighters were already finishing their work at the scene. It turned out that there was no fire, but an aging sprinkler head in the room that my brother rented to his friend suddenly broke. The whole studio was flooded, so did the couple of units next to us. I vacuumed and mopped as much water out as I could in the dark all night before heading home to take a shower at around 6:30am. Damages on our side was not too bad (luckily) because the sprinkler that broke was in a separate room that doesn’t have live electronics and open documents. However, the damages for our neighboring units seemed more worrying, and my brother (landlord) will unfortunately need to negotiate with them regarding compensations.

Went to the funeral of my friend’s mother on Friday afternoon, that was followed by the cremation ceremony and a meal. Went for a dinner meetup with a couple of old UW friends in CWB afterwards.

Had lunch with parents and sister on Saturday before returning to the studio briefly to do some work. Left the studio at around 4:30pm to pick up the recycled paper made from the red packets I dropped off on Monday.

It was a crazy tiring week filled with meetups and bad news. Hopefully, I will see better days ahead in the weeks to come.

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  • JAN
    S M T W T F S
  • 723 Studio