Daily Archives: Mar 11, 2025


After days of unfamiliar boredom, some drama by the head in chief of Canada’s southern neighbor and by my studio’s neighbors in HK stirred up some ripples in my quiet and unproductive life. The sudden and chaotic trade war that was unjustifiably initiated by Mr. Trump in the south made news more entertaining while hurting the economy in both sides of the border. And for my studio in HK, a recent drama caught on the entrance webcam had worsened our already bad relationship with the two neighboring units. As I explained to my colleague, I believe we did the right thing, so we shouldn’t need to worry too much about it.

I finally started picking up some exercise again two weeks ago. Began hitting the treadmill at my condo’s gym two times a week and joining my friend for some pickup basketball on Sat. mornings, I even managed to play a little badminton yesterday after many years of leaving my racquet to dust. Felt good to be active and exercising again. Sleep quality and energy level in general seemed to have improved. The recent spring-like weather seemed to have helped shake off some winter blues too. Hope seems to be in the air once again despite everything that’s happening around my country and my studio in HK!

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  • MAR
    S M T W T F S
  • 723 Studio