Thanks to a property agent friend, I finally settled on a short term rental in Canada. Immediately booked my one-way flight back to TO in mid-November. Now the countdown begins with roughly 20 days left to finish up all studio projects and properly farewell all my friends before I leave the city.
Met my woodworking friend on Tuesday and passed him my CNC machine. Had my weekly family dinner on Thursday. Had two farewell meetups on Saturday with my primary school friends and fellowship friends respectively. And this afternoon I met up with an artist friend whom I met serendipitously many years ago, she invited and curated my first and only public solo exhibition back in 2019.
Still have many things to finish up at the studio and at home and still have many friends to properly say farewell to before I leave. As I opened up the red packets I had saved up over the years in order to kickstart my annual postcard faichun project early, I took the opportunity to count my blessings for the loving family and friends God has given me over the years. I’m truly grateful.
Counting down my 20 days left in the city while counting my blessings from my family and friends. The coming few weeks will likely be busy and stressful, but hopefully that won’t affect my gratefulness for my family and friends and to cherish the little time I have left with them before I leave. May God continue to guide my anxious steps ahead, one day at a time. 🙏🏻