It had been a pretty busy week. Started an evening workshop on Tue to learn about making independent illustrated zines. Iām tinkering on the idea of making a small story book for KOKB. Two more lessons to go, will see whether my inkling will provide enough fuel for me to actually do the story book later. I first learnt about the idea of independent zine publishing from a speaker at the Comics 101 short-term course I enrolled in. The last of the six weekly sessions were completed yesterday. Together with some Chinese painting workshops I attended this afternoon and my regular weekly calligraphy class, I had attended 4 different classes/workshops in one week, almost like a full-time student!
As to my studio work, I had started working on a project to 3DP some custom Lego-like minifigs for a client. Hope to complete the order by the end of the month.
Managed to complete 2 evening running practices on Mon and Thu respectively. Ran (very slowly) a total of 16.8k on Thu! Will try to finish a self-conducted half-marathon (21k) by the end of the month.
Started doing some initial planning for Q4. Asked my fellowship caring group to pray for me as I really needed some guidance from God. I started looking into plane tickets and AirBnB. After talking to my parents tonight over dinner about my plan, I felt less worried. May God continue to guide my steps forward. šš»