Daily Archives: Aug 13, 2023

Back to Normal

Have had a considerably productive week at the studio. Finished setting up a new 3D printer and had been testing it nonstop. Took the opportunity to assess my inventory of 3DP filaments and printed out many DEXTER minifigs – my studio’s mascot. Also finished prototyping some scout minifigs and shown them to a potential client. Will touch base with him again next week to see whether the order will go through. Had a little free time on Friday and decided to work on a personal project. I took about an hour or so to draw a 3D model of a crab-eating device brought back from my dad’s recent trip to Japan. After completing the 3D model, it took just roughly an additional 30 minutes to print the near exact copy of the apparatus! It was an enlightening experience to be able to create digital 3D models and immediately turn them into physical functional objects.

My enthusiasm for 3DP seemed to have returned with the new advanced but very affordable 3D printer. Now I only need to turn this enthusiasm into a business that can keep myself economically sustainable. Shouldn’t be too difficult, right?! 😂

Completed my longest running practice in recent months on Thur evening (14K). Practice time is running out for the upcoming marathon in mid Oct. Can’t afford to slack off.

Back to my regular Sunday art therapy at home this afternoon. Completed my 13th acrylic painting of the critically endangered animal caricature series. In the evening, I went back to my parents’ home to have dinner with them like before. A bit shameful to admit it, but I haven’t gone back to my parents’ place for months.

Things seem to be getting back to normal, but this probably won’t last too long as I need to start and plan my escape from this suffocating and deteriorating city. Will start looking into plane tickets this week. May God guide my steps. 🙏🏻

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Sketch… Sunday Service

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  • AUG
    S M T W T F S
  • 723 Studio