Haven’t taken a good look at the night sky for a long long time, but the super moon was too prominent to ignore, couldn’t resist to snap a photo from my balcony. Once in a blue moon, I used a skillset acquired last quarter to carve a seal for my calligraphy classmate. I could have used more time on the seal, but I left the task to the very last minute and just barely completed it before class on Thur. He was really happy receiving his first seal and treated me for dinner after class, but I felt slightly guilty for not doing my best.
Other than the super moon and the once-in-a-blue-moon seal carving work, the past week was rather unadventurous and dull. I continued with more 3DP work at the studio and made considerable progress on prototyping a custom minifig for a potential client. Also managed to complete a 12k running practice on Fri. evening to get a much needed dose of weekly dopamine boost.