My sister’s family is visiting town, but I felt like I had seen enough of them already in Toronto last summer. My sister in HK and my mom had dinner with them separately, I declined the invitations and kept myself busy with work. Finished re-engineering my studio’s mascot, DEXTER, to use a more flexible frame system. It felt good to be doing 3D design and prototyping once again.
Friday marked the 4th anniversary of the Yuen Long 721 incident. I was once again reminded of the preamble of our city becoming a suffocating police state. So much evil and injustice continuing to accumulate since, yet there’s so little we can do to help. I decided to go for a long evening run. Persevered a slow 1.5hr 12k run. The sweat and self-conducted torture resulted in some temporary relief, it’s probably just the dopamine from exercising.
Had dinner with some fellowship brothers on Sat. Everyone seemed to have their own issues to share. Rather than adding to the heap of burden, I decided not to talk about my own family issues and just gladly be a good listener.
Couldn’t avoid my family issues forever. Today was the big test when I was forced to visit my brother’s lavishly renovated private suite to take a family portrait. I never really liked seeing myself in pictures since young, and it was especially frustrating that I had to put on a fake smile in that setting and posing in the seemingly thousands of photos that were taken. I pulled it through miraculously and was only slightly late for my “art therapy” session. Thank God. 🙏🏻