Had an unusually “busy” long weekend packed with a letterpress sharing session, a historic architectural tour, and a Chinese painting workshop. It started from the letterpress sharing session on Fri afternoon, I learnt about the inspiring story of Robert Morrison inventing the Hong Kong Font (香港字) letterpress to assist in preaching the gospel. I also serendipitously connected with a letterpress company who just happened to have recently moved to the same building of my studio! On Sat, I went to see a recently “discovered” remains of a water reservoir built in 1904 that was almost bulldozed by the gov. if not for the strong protest of local citizens. The historic excavation is actually right next to my church where I go for Sunday Service every week! And on Sun (today), I joined a workshop and had my first Chinese ink painting experience. After learning Chinese calligraphy for ~7 years, I felt at ease in copying the ink paintings of rocks and orchids, but it was very challenging to control the color tone and the ink’s wetness level.
It wasn’t a productive week work wise. I had put in uncountable hours on crafting a custom seal for the studio’s “resident artist” – KOKB (King of Kowloon Bay). There were a couple of days l worked till sunrise at home! The seal is more or less finished, new products should be ready to be sold online in coming weeks!
Thankful for the week-long staycation, will need to catch up with my Q2 projects this coming week, add oil! 💪🏻