It had been a busy week. Mon and Tue was spent mostly with my parents to renew IDs and accompany my mom to see her doctor. Squeezed in some adhoc time to work from home. The weekly seal carving class ended last week, but I found time to finish off a “masterpiece” that I started in the last class.
Went to a seminar on Friday afternoon to learn more about “co-op”, but it was really boring and it didn’t feel like it’ll have a future in the current local political environment. Decided to skip the Sat. morning session.
Without the weekly seal carving class, it felt like I had more time to allocate for the many Q2 projects I set out to do. Managed to finish the weekly 100 Chinese characters goal, but just barely, and it’s becoming more and more difficult as I move up to more complicated characters with increasing strokes. Also managed to do my running practice twice this past week. Was planning to run 10k yesterday, but the weather was too hot and muggy, I didn’t force myself to finish the run after completing 5k.
The evening 5k run last night altered my sleep rhythm. I slept for less than 4 hours and yet felt refreshed waking up before sunrise. Started my weekly art therapy painting session at home before joining the early morning Sunday Service at church. Returned home after church and finished off the last painting of the series for critically endangered animals (caricatures) that can be found in HK.
It was a pretty productive week, need to keep it up for the coming week, add oil! 💪🏻