Made the extra effort to catch up with my 1000 calligraphy characters goal for Q2. Completed the 100 weekly characters target plus an extra 16 to make up for the 12 I lack last week.
Had quite a few meetups this past week including dinner with family on Mon, calligraphy class on Tue, lunch and Yuen Long visit on Thur to see a friend’s 3DP filament manufacturing facility. Highlight was the Fri dinner meetup with a couple of beer buddies. The vibe was good and we admittedly drank a little too much. Had a little “accident” while leaving the restaurant, but we all got home safe.
Picked up my running practice again after missing a week due to rain. Only managed to run once as the second time was cancelled again due to rain. Will try to pick up the slack and run twice this coming week.
Slowly catching up on my weekly goals for Q2, which had already passed a third. Seems like I have been keeping myself busy playing catch-up since setting up my Q2 goals a few weeks ago, hopefully I’ll be able to reap some fruitful rewards that’s proportional to the effort I put in by the end of the quarter! Add oil! 💪🏻. May the Spirit continue to guide my steps. 🙏🏻