After more than a week of gloomy days, the sun was finally spotted today before it sank below the horizon. This weather is actually a good reminder of Easter in that it was all gloom and doom when Jesus was nailed on the cross, and it wasn’t until the resurrection that light and hope finally reappeared to all mankind.
One of my two long time calligraphy classmates suddenly told us she will stop going to our weekly calligraphy classes. I will definitely miss her presence. Her leave seemed to have triggered a reflection of my near 7-year calligraphy journey. As I planned for new projects to do in Q2, I had included some ambitious goals involving calligraphy. If attained, the hard work would become meaningful milestones for my seemingly never ending calligraphy journey.
If I were to follow through all the Q2 projects as planned, this quarter will demand many long hours of deep work, more so than the previous KOKB.site web project. If I can endure the challenge, the reward shall be proportionally fruitful. A bit like Easter when light and hope is attained after long hours of gloom and doom. May God guide my work this quarter. 🙏🏻