After a couple of days of studio work, I managed to make the RoboArm kit come alive! With the stepper motors and end stops now under control, the next step will be to hack the code and program the RoboArm kit to do something useful. I’ll spare this fun for a later time as there are a few other projects that are of higher priority.
Spent the majority of time this past week to clean up my home to prepare for my friend’s upcoming short stay. I moved all the junk from the storage room to the living room, then moved the living room’s sofa bed into it. Now with all the junk in the living room, I decided to turn it into a temporary private “trash art gallery”. There’s much less freedom in public art expression since National Security Law was imposed in the city, and I’ve grown less interested in the local art scene. Nonetheless, It’s still nice being able to draw and paint privately without an audience, I enjoy the solitude and creativity in the process.