The HK gov. surprised the city with the sudden lifting of the compulsory mask mandate on the first day of March. After ~2.5 years since the “emergency” law came into effect, it’s a much welcomed relief to see the long overdue mandate to finally be axed. Most people on the street were still masked, I on the other hand was happy to be one of the few oddballs to put off the masks! I felt invincible having just recovered from COVID last week.
Finally started a new project in the studio this past week. The little side project will assist my good friend’s dad in programming a robot arm kit, hopefully I would be of help for this long time endeavor of his. I had to go out and hunt for some electronic parts after calligraphy class on Thur., was happy to find exactly what I was looking for despite not knowing the component’s name. Spent the whole day on Sat. to work on the project. After many hours of trial and error, I was thrilled to finally be able to control the stepper motor using the Arduino development platform! It felt good to be doing some engineering work again. I now understood better about the satisfaction that can only be gained from doing “deep work” and overcoming difficult tasks.
Making the stepper motor work was a good start, I hope to make the robot arm kit fully functional by the end of this week so that I can show it off to my good friend’s dad before he travels to Canada to see my good friend. Also need to finish cleaning up my apartment and prepare a room for my Canadian friend’s upcoming week-long stay. Will be a bit busy this week, add oil! 💪🏻