Monthly Archives: February 2023
“Single“ Again!
Though more or less expected, I was especially ecstatic yesterday morning when a single line on my rapid test reassured my recovery from COVID! I immediately told my fellowship caring group to let me join the scheduled dinner meetup! Stayed home the entire week without stepping outside. Took the opportunity to put in some finishing […]
Sketch… Sunday Service
I finally tested positive for COVID today since the pandemic broke out in late 2019. Symptoms are mild – occasional coughs and chills. The symptoms actually started emerging after I did my evening run last Wed. Didn’t sleep very well that night and felt especially sore the next morning. I thought it was just caused […]
Sketch… Sunday Service
Church/JF Reunion
Joined a fellowship’s brother’s wedding yesterday. The preparation began a few months ago when the groom-to-be asked for my help to design the ceremony rundown printout. It was the first time I saw the actual physical print yesterday morning when I was helping with the church decorations before the ceremony. It turned out better than […]
Sketch… Sunday Service
Back to Work
A little reluctant, but I went back to work on Wed. (Feb. 1st) as promised after an extended LNY holiday. Didn’t get a lot done at the studio other than wrapping up the 100 Blessings postcard fai-chuns project and cleaning up the messy art area. Also had a long lunch on Fri. with a friend […]