Monthly Archives: December 2022
Holiday Season Begins
The holiday season had started. It began with Winter solstice on Thur., Christmas today, New Year coming Sunday, and CNY on Jan 22nd. Had Winter solstice lunch with my calligraphy class on Thur. Turned down my mom to go home for dinner because our family already celebrated in advance last Sun. This Christmas weekend felt […]
Sketch… Sunday Service
World Cup
The final game for World Cup was a super exciting one! I was watching it at a neighborhood study/co-working space with mostly strangers whom I had never met before. There were about 10 of us watching the game, but the atmosphere was cozy and vibrant, much better than if I were to watch the game […]
Sketch… Sunday Service
3 Months
The sermon this morning was delivered by our church’s lead pastor who recently returned from a study leave. He visited his family in Canada during his leave and it had been 4 years since he last visited. He got a bit emotional when he talked about seeing his elderly parents and noticing how they had […]
Sketch… Sunday Service
Back To Normal
After an unusual week filled with meetups with family and friends and a daily schedule that was skewed by the World Cup, this past week was back to normal. No social meetups occurred this past week other than my regular Chinese calligraphy class on Thursday. The only gathering that was scheduled for Sat. afternoon with […]